Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

With sapphire hair transplantation, you can reach the hair you desire and the strong image you dream of.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant, unlike the classical FUE method, uses a special sapphire blade for hair transplantation made of sapphire mineral.

Hair follicles are taken with the FUE technique, before being placed in the bald area, microchannels are opened where it will be placed. Sapphire blade is important at this step. Channels opened with Sapphire Blade protect hair follicles better and increase their efficiency. In addition, the scars are much less when the channels opened than other techniques. The recovery period in the classical FUE Technique is approximately 1 month after the operation, but in the Sapphire FUE technique, the head heals in a week and you have your usual appearance.

Advantages of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
» It can be planted more densely.
» Microchannels opened for planting hair follicles heal faster.
» The productivity of planted grafts is more efficient.
» Hair direction becomes more natural.

Anesthesia procedure is followed like:  Soft anesthesia with sedation is applied for the operation and is completely painless.

The post-operative process is the same as the classic FUE Hair Transplant method.

On the day after the operation, the first wash, medical dressing, and PRP treatment are performed by the team in the clinic. With the care kit provided to you, you can continue to care for yourself later.

Important Points to Consider
In the first 3 months, you can only shave with scissors. Otherwise, you can damage the shaved hair follicles with the razor, however, after the 3rd month, you can shave with the razor.

You should not swim in the pool for the first 6 months, but after the third month, you can swim in the sea.

You should not do heavy sports for the first 3 months.

After the operation, you will be informed in detail by the specialist. In the following process, to get satisfactory successful outcomes of operation it is crucial to follow the specialist’s instructions.

Please feel free to ask your questions to our team. It is our pleasure to answer your questions.

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